Lap Band Fills – FAQ & Adjustment Doctors for Overseas(Mexico & Costa Rica) Patients

Lap band fills & adjustments are necessary for optimum results from a lap band procedure. The lap band adjustments help drive and manage the weight loss. The band fill procedure is usually painless and takes a few minutes to do.Engaging a qualified lap band fill doctor before the procedure is recommended. Especially, if you are going to Mexico, Costa Rica or other overseas destination for the lap band, traveling back to the doctor who performed the surgery might not be practical.Below are some common questions about lap band fills followed by a link to a resource where fill doctors that accept overseas patients is highlighted. Always consult your bariatric physician before making any decisions based on the information provided here. He will be in the best position to advise you based on your specific needs.

When is the first Lap band fill required?

The first fill is usually is done at 4 to 6 weeks after the the lap band surgery. It varies between individuals, depending upon the surgeon and patient. Most lap band patients require about three to five adjustments over a two year period after the procedure.

When do I need a lap band fill?

When you stop losing weight is usually the time for a new fill. After some time It becomes a second nature for most people to know when they need a fill.

What to do before the lap band fill?

Be well hydrated and drink a healthy amount of water few days before the fill appointment.

What to do after a lap band fill?

Avoid solid foods for about one day after a fill. Liquid diet is the best. After that you can continue with your regular doctor recommended bandster diet.

How do you know if the fill is adjusted right?

The amount of weight loss you achieve after a lapband fill is a good indicator of the adjustment. It can take 3 to 4 weeks after a fill to know that. If you feel hungry & have still not lost weight, that means you may be in need of a tighter adjustment.

I had a Lap band in Mexico. How do I find a fill doctor in my local area?

For individuals who have a lap band procedure in Mexico, Costa Rica & other overseas location a comprehensive list of Lap band fill doctors that accept overseas patients is available at Lap Band Fills Doctors for Mexico, Costa Rica, & Other Overseas Clients.