All Posts Tagged: dental testimonials mexico

Yuma Resident Reviews Mexican Dental Services

The video shows a Yuma resident talking about her reasons to cross borders to Algodones for dental treatment. She reviews the staff and services at Algodones dental facility. Narration – “I’m Marie Simpson, I’m from Arizona. Transplant from San Diego, California and I just own my own business. I had come to the dentist, I […]

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Tooth Restoration in Algodones, Mexico – Patient Story

The video shows a retired teacher from Phoenix, Arizona praising the Algodones dentist who carried out a complex tooth restoration to redeem the teacher’s smile. Narration – “She was, you know, professional, efficient. She knows exactly what she is doing because I’m a businessman too. I know what I doing, I’d do it efficient…she were […]

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Dental Trip to Mexico – Testimonial

In this video a retired teacher from Phoenix, Arizona resident talks about his dental trip to Mexico. Mexico has a plenty of highly qualified dental surgeons, state-of-the-art dental clinics and hospitals, affordable cost and no long waiting queues.  Along with the quality medical procedure in Mexico, another attraction that completes the trip is the serene […]

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